Shipping and Delivery

Shipping Time and Rules

  • After you complete the payment, we will ship your purchased products from our priority warehouse within 20 hours.

  • Products sold in NOYAFA store enjoy NOYAFA's priority shipping privileges. Products will undergo strict quality inspection before leaving the factory. We will ensure that high-quality products can be delivered to your hands quickly.

  • Upon shipment, you will receive an email with your tracking information so you may track the package online.

  • We offer free shipping to the United States, and countries in Europe and Asia. If youā€™re not in the United States, Europe, or Asia,Ā  the shipping fee will be shown on the address-filing page once the order is settled.

  • We have complete transportation capabilities, especially in Europe and the United States, there are many local stocking warehouses. We will choose the best shipping method for you according to your address to ensure delivery timeliness and safety.

  • For special shipping requests, please contact Noyafa Support.


Noyafa assumes no responsibility for delayed or rejected orders due to the following reasons:

  1. Shipping time might be delayed for 1-2 days for transportation to remote regions.
  2. Delay or delivery failure because of the consigneeā€™s actions. These actions include, but are not limited to: changing the address after shipment, entering an unknown address or wrong address, entering incorrect contact information, and refusal to receive, etc.
  3. Delay due to force majeure. ā€œForce majeureā€ means an unforeseen, inevitable, or insurmountable objective situation and other objective conditions that cause delayed shipping, including, but not limited to: national or regional air or ground transportation system controls or interruptions (e.g., weather reasons), communication system interference or malfunction, government actions, postal administration policy changes, wars, earthquakes, typhoons, floods, fires, heavy rain, heavy fog, and other similar events.
  4. Aviation contraband, mobile phones, electronic products, fragile products, and other products that are not available for air freight service due to aviation security regulations.
  5. Shipments that are confiscated or disposed of due to a violation of transportation regulations.
  6. Mail and packages cannot be delivered to the consigneeā€™s address during weekends, national holidays, and festivals.
  7. The consignee address is a school, unit, or residential community where the courier has no access.